GDPR, Linkly & You

We are a European company based in the UK, and we champion the data privacy of individuals.

We do not store personally identifiable information.

The data we process is aggregated and anonymous.

IP Addresses

Linkly uses IP addresses for the purposes of geolocation & ISP detection.

We triangulate IP addresses in realtime, and save the country of origin & ISP to our database.

Conversion Tracking with Linkly

When conversion tracking is enabled, Linkly will record an IP address to track whether a conversion took place.

This only happens when Linkly’s conversion tracking pixel is used.

Facebook Pixel, Custom Audiences, Retargeting & Linkly

Linkly does not process any data whatsoever with respect to third party tracking code.

Tracking code from large advertising networks such as Facebook, Google & Twitter have been designed with privacy in mind.

The responsibility of data processing and obtaining consent lies with the network.

Facebook has provided more information on this in their GDPR implementation here.

Track 1000 monthly clicks with all features included.

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