
Firefox Extension
Firefox Extension
Create tracking shortlinks in two clicks from Mozilla Firefox.
Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager
Fire Google Tag Manager containers on every link you share.
Meta Pixel Integration
Meta Pixel Integration
Build audiences with Meta Pixel with shortlink you share.
Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4
Track shortlink click data in Google Analytics 4.
Google Chrome Extension
Google Chrome Extension
Create tracking links in two clicks from Google Chrome.
CSV Export Integration
CSV Export Integration
Linkly provides CSV feeds of all click data. You can find these in your workspace.
JSON Export Integration
JSON Export Integration
Linkly provides JSON feeds of all click data. You can find these in your workspace.
RapidAPI Integration
RapidAPI Integration
Integrate other apps using RapidAPI.
Zapier Integration
Zapier Integration
Use actions to create Linkly short links, and get click triggers for every click in your workspace.
Short Link Creation API
Short Link Creation API
Build anything with our fast bulk link creation API.
Google Sheets Integration
Google Sheets Integration
Get live traffic feeds of any data in your workspace straight to your Google Sheet.